WDM Fall 2012 Proposal

Revision as of 09:54, 31 October 2012 by Eternallyalive14 (talk | contribs) (adding the title)


Title: Web Based Digital Media for College Writing Students

In NMAC 3108, Writing for Digital Media, upper level students explore ways to write for professional websites, blogs, and other forms of digital media. In Brian Carroll's book "Writing for Digital Media," writing for digital media is defined as "writing in and for digital environments and communicating effectively through the use of graphical content, multimedia and hypertext."

It is important that students preparing for the workforce ready themselves for the specific writing style necessary to successfully write for various forms of digital media.


For this project, the content will be applicable to upper level college students who are focused on pursuing professions after graduating. This wiki project will be a resource for students and will enable them to write affectively online and to use social media and online résumés to exemplify their career goals. Learning how to write affectively for the screen and how to tailor online resources to reflect professional careers is beneficial for upperclassmen college students in the twenty-first century.


This project will demonstrate to college students how to write effectively for the screen. This topic is important because not only is the nature of writing evolving, but in an ever-increasing technological society, it is crucial to be able to communicate with efficiency. Specifically, the issue of communication among students is interesting because social connections are necessary in the current technology-based world. These issues can be solved by the ability to proficiently utilize socially-based networks as well as other digital writing mediums. Ideally, student-based environments that employ good writing can communicate optimally and connect in resourceful ways. Aside from communication, these digital platforms allow higher-level college students to create a brand for themselves in order to prepare to enter the professional world.

Project Details

The project will be written by three groups focusing on the writing, layout, and digital and social media aspects of writing for the web. Each section of each group will cover specific details about that topic and explain how to best utilize it when writing for digital media.

  1. Writing
    1. Good Writing (Hollidae Strozier): Precision/being concise, imagination, and consistency.
    2. Identification (Savannah McDaniel): Key communication concept, forms trust from readers.
    3. Expertise (Josh Hager): Professionalism and credibility.
  2. Layout
    1. Contact (Sarah Joiner): credibility, accountability, and types of contact.
    2. Design (Rebecca Lynch): Must be consistent visually and user-friendly.
    3. Graphics (Brandon Fluellen): Appropriate use and no "clown pants."
    4. Navigation and Usability (Katie Nix): Inserting appropriate links and adding to the usefulness of pages.
    5. Scanability (Victoria Masa): Visual formatting online and using headers, subheaders, and links.
    6. Relevance and Support (Steven Lewis): Dated pages, outside web site sources, and relevant content links.
  3. Digital and Social Media
    1. Twitter (Leslie Smith/Tara Scroggins): Example of what writing for digital media entails and the use of hashtags.
    2. About Me (Amelia Hall): Simple, scannable, and easy to use.
    3. Wordpress (Katie Hotchkiss): Interactive and easily customizable.
    4. Visual CV (Lily Billingsley): All the aspects of a traditional resume and add-ons to digital porfolio, links, images, and videos.
    5. Linked In (Emily Allmond): Professional online network of resumes.


  • Individual Submission due 11/05/12
  • Individual Submission Workshop 11/07/12
  • Final Individual Submission 11/19/12
  • Group Submission due 11/26/12
  • Group Submission Workshop 11/28/12
  • Final Group Discussion and Revision 12/03/12
  • Final Wiki Project due 12/05/12


Social media sites like Twitter, "About Me" pages, and online resume sites like Visual CV create an opportunity to facilitate better writing. Proper navigation, contact information, good writing, usability, relevant links, support, and a strong identification are necessary in order to exhibit professionalism when writing for the digital age.

A site made with these key elements in mind ensures credible writing directed towards the appropriate audience. Design, graphics, and scan-ability are vital to the process of writing for the screen. Paying close attention to these elements creates a visually appealing work of web writing that will attract readers.

Potential References

  1. Carrol, Brian. (2010). "Writing for Digital Media". New York: Routledge. Retrieved 29 Oct 2012.
  2. ICFJ Anywhere. (25 July 2012). "Five Basic Writing Tips for Digital Media". International Journalist's Network. DC:ICFJ. Retrieved 29 Oct 2012.
  3. Lawrence, Dr. Ramon. (2011). “Guide For Writing Project Proposals”. Retrieved 29 Oct 2012.
  4. Lucas, Gerald R. (2012). “Writing for Digital Media, Fall 2012”. LitMUSE. Retrieved 29 Oct 2012.
  5. Lynch, Patrick J., Horton, Sarah. (2009). “Web Style Guide Online, 3rd Edition”. Web Style Guide. Retrieved 29 Oct 2012.