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When writing for digital media, identify the audience and consider who is reading what the writer is trying to say. An article aimed at college students will read much different from an article aimed at elementary students even if the same basic information is being conveyed. As a result, it is always best to focus on a small, targeted community when writing online.

Using Identification

While it may be easy to show Good Writing skills when writing for the web, the definition of good writing changes drastically depending on the audience. Contemplate the reader’s interests, concerns, questions, and take them into consideration. For example, an author is writing two papers; one for college students, the other for middle school students, but both on Harry Potter. The one that will be presented to college students will probably focus on more abstract themes and ideas, while the one presented to middle school students will focus on more concrete ideas that may be less surprising to an audience of college students. The reason for taking a different approach on the same subject would be that college students relate to different themes and ideas than middle school students. It is a similar case when writing for the digital media. There may be many blogs on one subject, but the author's audience can drastically change the approach and angle of the subject.

How to Identify the Audience

  • Evaluate your subject
  • Write what you know and research what you do not
  • Brainstorm topics that will appeal to the reader


Carroll, Brian. "On Writing Well." Writing for Digital Media. N.p.. Web. 26 Nov 2012. <http://cw.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415992015/writing-in-practice.asp>.