Debt Relief:Bibliography

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Revision as of 18:27, 10 November 2004 by Jfigueroa (talk | contribs) (→‎Self Help)

This is currently a working bibliography. Please be consistent; when in doubt, follow the format of what is already posted. All print resources should use MLA Documentation Style.

Web Resources



  • Jim Garven’s Blog — A blog exploring the intersection of risk management, insurance, and finance.

Credit Reporting Agencies

View your credit report.

Self Help

  • Debt Attack - Extensive information on good and bad debt and ways to get out of debt.
  • Debt Steps — Comprehensive reviews to help you protect your financial future.
  • Managing Debt — Learn what debt means for your overall financial situation and how you can control debt, and avoid it controlling you.
  • Credit Repair: Self-Help May Be Best — Only time, a conscious effort, and a personal debt repayment plan will improve your credit report.
  • Debt Consolidation Help- Consolidate your debt into one payment.
  • Controlling Debt - CNN and Money Magazine break down the top things to know about debt.
  • Good debt vs. bad - USA Weekend Magazine establishes some borrowing guidelines to avoid bad debt.
  • Bankruptcy and Restructuring Debt - Gives advice on the advantages and disadvantages of bankrutcy and restructuring debt.
  • Settling Debts - Learn ways to settle debts including dealing with creditors
  • Student Loans - Find info on student loans from different types to advice on when you default on your loan.
  • A Better Credit Record-Gives information on consumer reporting agencies, ways of improving and dealing with debt, and avoiding scams from agencies who provide help in solving debt.
  • Managing Your Debts: How to Regain Financial Health-Provides you with some remedies for your relationships with creditors, reducing your debts,and helping you manage your money.
  • Credit Counseling-Provides you with information on credit counseling.
  • Debt consolidation loans-Provides you with information on debt consolidation.
  • Should you consolidate your debts?-Provides you with information on choosing between borrowing money to pay off your debt or consulting a consumer credit counseling service
  • Your worst 3 debt consolidation moves - If you are overwhelmed and seeking a quick outlet for relief debt consolidation can seem like the best answer. This source will allows you to view some of the consequences if you dive in without reading the fine print of debt consolidation.


Print Resources


  • Allen, Mary and Chantal Vaillancourt. “Class of 2000: Student Loans.” Canadian Social Trends 74 (2004): 18.
  • Hynes, Richard M. "Overoptimism and Overborrowing." Bringham Young University Law Review2004.1 (2004): 127.
  • Rowland, Mary. "Good Credit gone Bad?" NEA Today 16.5 (Jan 1998): 38.
  • Sandberg, Erica. "The Value of Financial Planning and Debt Reduction Services for Employees and Employers." Employee Benefits Journal 27.4 (2002): 37.


  • McNaughton, Debra. All About Credit. Chicago: Dearborn, 1999.
  • Hammond, Bob. "Life Without Debt." New Jersey: Career Press, 1995.
  • Leonard, Attorney Robin. "Bankruptcy." Berkley: Nolo Press, 1998.
  • Fisher, Sarah Young. "The Complete Idiots Guide To Personal Finance In Your 20's and 30's." Indianapolis: Alpha, 2002.

Debt Relief