Relevance and Support

Revision as of 11:27, 14 November 2012 by Lewissteven (talk | contribs)

When upper-level college students are writing for the web having relevant sources and links are essential to the credibility of the page. Linking to outside sources that are knowledgeable in the area can improve the direction of your webpage. When not following these guidelines by linking to certain sources, and content not relevant to the topic the site will lose credibility.

Dated Pages

Dates on every page or article allow for the viewer to know when the post is made or updated. To ensure a site is being supported well make sure the site has been updated since last viewed. [1]

  • Posted dates also increase credibility for the website, and without them the viewer will not know if the site is being updated weekly
  • Having dates on content can show "how useful (and accurate) the site will be" and "how active the site is" [2]

Outside Web Sources

Content links to outside websites allow for the website to be creditable

  • Supporting the information with these outside sources allow for other users to see your posts, and create a stronger view for the audience
  • Blogs generate more audience by offering more individual voices, and encourages identification of the user. [3]
    • Having many voices from different blogs supporting the ideas in the website broaden the range of viewers being reached

Relevant Content Links

Having a source to an outside webpage about kittens, for example, on a Science Fiction website does not apply and is not relevant. To maintain a credible site it must "provide comprehensive information that is attributed to a specific source." [4] Make sure the design of the web page is relevant to the content being displayed.

  • "Ideal website content should be understandable, relevant and helpful to the site- visitors." [5]
  • "If material exists online, link to it when you reference it." [6]


  1. Carroll, p.29
  2. Kyrnin
  3. Carroll, p. 27
  4. Carroll, p.29
  5. Aldein
  6. Carroll, p. 158
