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Synesthesia or synaesthesia originates from the Greek language. The root words are, syn, meaning union, and aesthesis, meaning sensation: a union of the senses.[1] Synesthesia is usually used in poetry. It means "the concurrent response of two or more of the senses to the stimulation of one."[2] In simple terms synesthesia means the mixing of two or more senses at one time. Several authors use synethesia; such as Robert Frost, Dante Alighieri, George Meredith.

Functions of Synesthesia

Synesthesia is used to give writing more meaning. It allows writing to provide more feelings.[3] The term provides description and an extra boost of creativity. Synesthesia makes writing more interesting and appealing to an audience.[4] This literary device can also be used to add confusion and excitement to writing.[5]

Examples of Synesthesia


  • Back to the region where the sun is silent. -'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri.[6]
  • Drink the pale drug of silence - 'Modern Love: I' by George Meredith.[7]
  • The butterfly and I had lit upon, Nevertheless, a message from the dawn, That made me hear the wakening birds around, And hear his long scythe whispering to the ground, 'The Tuft of Flowers' By Robert Frost.[8]

Everyday Life

  • Loud Shirt
  • Cool Sweater
  • Frozen Silence


  1. Allen-Hermanson, Sean. Matey, Jennifer. Synesthesia
  2. Harmon, William. Holman, Hugh. “A Handbook to Literature." Ninth Edition. (2002). Prentice Hall.
  3. Bureman, Liz. Synesthesia In Literature: Definition and Examples Retrieved 9 April 2014 from The Write Practice
  4. Bavota, C. Synesthesia. Literary Devices
  5. Trent, Ann. What Is Synesthesia in Poetry? classroom.synonym
  6. Greggor, Chad. Examples of Synesthesia in Language and Literature. Retrieved 9 April 2014 from suite
  7. Meredith, George. "Modern Love: I". Poetry Foundation. Web. 9 April 2014.
  8. Frost, Robert. "The Tuft of Flowers" Poetry Foundation. Web. 9 April 2014.