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Pelias, the son of Tryo and Poseidon, god of the sea. Pelias gained the throne of Iolcus from his half-brother Aeson. He sent Aeson's son, Jason, the rightful heir, to carry off the Golden Fleece from Colchis, hoping that he would never return. With the help of Medea, however, Jason succeeded. Returning with Medea and the fleece, Jason found that Pelias had forced Aeson to kill himself. In revenge Medea tricked Pelias's daughters into cutting him up and boiling him in the hope of magically restoring his youth.

Work Cited:

Gibson, Mia. "Pelias." Encyclopedia Mythica. 02 August 2004. Encyclopedia Mythica. 22 June 2006. <http://www.pantheon.org/articles/p/pelias.html>