New Media Vocabulary
The following vocabulary appears in much of the reading for new media courses. As you encounter each term in your research, consider its meaning as the author uses it and also in the broader context of new media. Please feel free to begin defining these terms; any missing should be added.
Alienation to Cyborg
Decentering to Frame
- Decentering
- Decoding
- Deconstruction
- Digital
- Evolution
- Fetish
- Fiction
- Film
- Film Theory
- Flow
- Fragmentation
- Frame/Framing
Gaze to Jump Cut
Metaphor to Pastiche
- Metaphor
- Metaphysics
- Metonymy
- Mimesis
- Nanotechnology
- Narrative
- Naturalization
- New Media Studies
- Palimpsest
- Paradigm
- Pastiche
Reader to Symbolic
- Reader / User / Audience
- Realism
- Representation
- Rhizome
- Robotics
- Scopophilia
- Sex/Gender System
- Simulacra
- Simulation
- Spectacle
- Science (Speculative) Fiction
- Symbolic