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How do I write a strong conclusion?

From LitWiki

The conclusion serves two functions:

  • it ties your essay together by offering closure
  • it points beyond the limited scope of the essay

The conclusion should be brief, not windy, moralizing, or trite. A strong conclusion will leave the reader satisfied that the essay addressed the topic thoroughly and completely within its scope. Like a good movie, a conclusion offers closure by tying up the lose ends of the plot and leaving the audience with a sense of satisfaction.

Conclusions should reinforce the essay’s main points; however, do not simply restate your thesis, but offer some additional insight into your assertions. Relate the end to the beginning: end where you began. This strategy will give the reader a sense of unity and a feeling that you have addressed the topic completely. Do not begin your conclusion with “In conclusion.” Visually, the reader knows this is your last paragraph, so a conclusion is imminent. In coming full-circle, the essay leaves the reader with a feeling of satisfaction, but also with new perspectives to consider.

Star Trek: The Next Generation offers a positive view of the future where racial diversity and a healthy reliance on productive technologies encourage today’s population to strive toward a similar vision. With a trust in a rational, scientific world view, Star Trek portrays a vision of humanity that relies less on violence and prejudice and more on a human mind can overcome current social difficulties on its way to the stars. Hopefully, like humanity, Star Trek will have a long, healthy life in syndication and continue to offer alternatives to current human difficulties.

This conclusion directly relates to the thesis statement, the topic prompt, and the subject developed in the introduction. In addition, it points beyond the scope of the essay while summing up the main points. You might also end with a prediction, a quotation, a statistic, a recommendation, or a call to action. Just remember: be concise and interesting. While conclusions may not be as crucial as introductions, they are the final word you will leave with your readers.

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