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Dante Alighieri was born in Florence in 1265. He was the son of Alighiero di Bellincione Alighieri who was considered neither wealthy nor especially prominent. There is not a whole lot known about Dante’s early education, but it is thought that he probably received elementary instruction in grammar, language and philosophy at one of the Franciscan schools in the city and was raised Catholic. Dante showed interest in literature and became an apprentice for Bruneto Latini who was a famed poet and prose writer. Dante studied literature and the rhetoric, soon becoming associated with some of the well known Florentine poets. Dante later met Guio Cavalcani who helped him refine his literary skills. (arches) Upon his 18th birthday, Dante received money inherited by his parents who died years back. At age 20, Dante married Gemma Donati through an arrangement set by his father. Gemma Donati’s family was very prominent in Florence and her cousin, Forese Donati, was one of Dante’s best friends. They had four children together. After Dante finished up his formal education at the University of Bologna, he enlisted in the Florentine army.

The death of Bice, (Beatrice) one of Dante’s childhood friends had a huge impact in his life. Her death in 1290 caused him to be inconsolable, and he passed the time by drinking and partying with friend Forese Donati. He soon began an intensive study on the classical works of Boethius, Cicero, and Aristotle. He received most of his education at two churches that were being enlarged outside the city walls at either end of the city: the Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella to the east and the Franciscan church of Santa Croce to the west. (waterfordschool) In 1292, Dante completed his first volume of poetry, the Vita Nuova, which means “New Life.” It was written to commemorate Beatrice’s death. Most of the poem were written the decade before, inspired by the chivalric poems of the French troubadours, who would sing them to the royal courts. The Vita Nuova was notable not only because Dante was among the first to compose poetry that was so sensitive and consciously refined in Italian, but also because he wove the poems together with prose commentaries reflecting on the texts and describing the circumstances of their composition. (waterfordschool)

Despite the success of the Vita Nuova, Dante became interested in politics. The rapid growth in Florence caused there to be civil wars between families over religious leaders. Dante was a very persuasive speaker and was elected to one of Florence’s highest offices. He and a group of other political leaders were against having the Pope as ruler and confirmed anti-papal measures. When in 1302, the French prince acting under orders from the Pope captured power in Florence; Dante was sentenced on charges of corruption and opposition to the Church and exiled from Florence on pain of execution by burning if he ever returned. (online-literature) Dante stayed in Verona for a while and then moved to Revenna where he died in 1321. Dante is considered one of the greatest Italian poets of all time. He is best known for his work The Divine Commedia, (The Divine Comedy) and Vita Nuova. (The New Life)

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