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A visual representation of knowing your audience on a readytalk.com blog

A blog's audience is defined as "interactors" that have a community affiliation with the focus of a blog.[1] Because audiences of digital content, particularly blogs, are not merely readers, an audience should be thought to be comprised of interactors.[2] Considering the audience is an important aspect of blog writing. Before the first blog post is published, the author should define the target audience, research the target audience, and understand the conventions expected in terms of language, design, and credibility. Writing and creating for a very broad audience will make a focused blog bland. As Aristotle instructed, it is important to "consider the audience before deciding on the message."[3] Blogs provide an online atmosphere of community more so than other forms of digital writing. [4]

Define the Target Audience

Defining the target audience requires analyzing the audience of the focused topic, which the blog is catered to. When defining the target audience, hone into a typical reader's profile.[5] Narrowcasting, or narrowing down the reader to an individual, helps the blog author to tailor their message and content to a specific niche.[6] The focused message will be more engaging by knowing the typical reader.

Questions to ask when defining the typical reader include: [7]

  • How old is the typical reader?
  • Where does the typical reader live? (rural, sub-burb, urban)
  • What is the gender of the typical reader?
  • What is the education level of the audience?
  • What are the professions of the target audience?
  • Why is the typical reader visiting the chosen focused blog?
  • What is the target audience's socio-economic status?
  • How much does the audience know about the focused topic?
  • How does the target audience feel about the focused topic?

It is important to know the audience. The language and delivery of a message changes according to the receiver.[8] Catering the delivery of content to a focused audience provides for a more intimate and engaging experience for the audience.

Research the Target Audience

After defining the target audience, it's important to implement proper Research Methods. Researching the target audience involves understanding the jargon, style, and tone of what the target audience is accustomed to. Researching also involves understanding what the target audience will need to interact with the chosen focused blog.

Research Considerations

  • Participation needs of audience
  • Collaborative needs of audience
  • Questions the audience will have
  • Knowing what the audience is searching for

Research Methods

  1. Find blogs that fall in line with the chosen focused topic.
  2. Read other bloggers' content that supplies information pertaining to the chosen focus.
  3. Scout comments and leave comments on niche blogs in order to establish a place in the community and to become familiar with the target audience.
  4. Take notes on the audience:
•  What is the audience interested in knowing more about?
•  What style of language is the audience familiar with?
•  What conventions do the audience expect in design? interactivity? language?

Identifying and understanding the target audience of the focused blog gives the author the context to deliver content appropriately and in the most engaging way.

Audience Development

Once the research is complete and blogging has begun, it's important to consider maintaining and broadening the audience.[9] Maintaining and building an audience requires time and attention devoted to participation and links.


  1. Carrol, 23, 27
  2. Carrol, 23
  3. Carrol, 6
  4. Carrol, 140
  5. Akpan, "How Identifying Your Typical Reader Can Improve Your Blog Content"
  6. Carrol, 31
  7. Akpan, "How Identifying Your Typical Reader Can Improve Your Blog Content"
  8. Akpan, "How Identifying Your Typical Reader Can Improve Your Blog Content"
  9. Macale, "These tips will help define your blog's target audience"


  1. Akpan, Yeremi. (2012)."How Identifying Your Typical Reader Can Improve Your Blog Content". Pro Blogger Tips. Retrieved 4 April 2013.
  2. Carrol, Brian. (2010). "Writing for Digital Media". New York: Routledge. Retrieved 14 March 2013.
  3. Macale, Sherilynn. (2011). "These tips will help define your blog's target audience". The Next Web. Retrieved 4 April 2013.
  4. Verhulst, Simone. (2012). "20 Questions on All Things Webinar and Content Marketing". Ready Talk | Audio and Web Conferencing. Retrieved 11 April 2013.

See Also