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High Fantasies are characterized by its setting, characters, and even the plot.[http://] In this type of fantasies, characters such as dragons, elves, wizards, and dwarfs can be found all over in secondary world. "The Lord of The Ring" is one the best high fantasy novels created. In Lord of The Rings "The Ring" symbolizes power and evil.[] The Dark Lord Sauron created this Ring to overrule all other ring of powers as the supersonic weapon to overtake middle-earth.[http://] Another second fantasy characteristic is "The Eye", it represents a darker symbol. The Eye was used to protect the surroundings of Mordor, a way for Lord Sauron to see all around.  
High Fantasies are characterized by its setting, characters, and even the plot.[http://] In this type of fantasies, characters such as dragons, elves, wizards, and dwarfs can be found all over in secondary world. "The Lord of The Ring" is one the best high fantasy novels created. In Lord of The Rings "The Ring" symbolizes power and evil.[] The Dark Lord Sauron created this Ring to overrule all other ring of powers as the supersonic weapon to overtake middle-earth.[http://] Another second fantasy characteristic is "The Eye", it represents a darker symbol. The Eye was used to protect the surroundings of Mordor, a way for Lord Sauron to see all around.  
Heroic Fantasies is like a timeline of events for a character in the secondary world. Heroic is a bit different from high fantasies, its problems are generally those of the heroes, not the world.[] A great example of this would be, Frodo Baggins from Lord of The Rings.[] Frodo is a hobbit who takes on a quest with a wizard, dwarfs, and others to destroy the “ring” in the fire of Mount Doom. The journey Frodo takes is a test of survival. Having to travel thousands of miles by foot, escaping the black riders, and fighting off Sauron’s men, while still holding the only Ring that can control middle earth. As the journey continues he lost the urge to destroy the Ring, wanting to retain the Ring for himself. Even against all the his desire to keep it he still continues his mission and gets pass “The Eye” and reaches the volcano to destroy the Ring. A stoorish hobbit named Gollum attacks and bites off Frodo's finger but loses his balance and falls off the cliff with  the ring destroying the Ring and dying.
Heroic Fantasies is like a timeline of events for a character in the secondary world. Heroic is a bit different from high fantasies, its problems are generally those of the heroes, not the world.[] A great example of this would be, Frodo Baggins from Lord of The Rings.[] Frodo is a hobbit who takes on a quest with a wizard, dwarfs, and others to destroy the “ring” in the fire of Mount Doom. The journey Frodo takes is a test of survival. Having to travel thousands of miles by foot, escaping the black riders, and fighting off Sauron’s men, while still holding the only Ring that can control middle earth. As the journey continues he lost the urge to destroy the Ring, wanting to retain the Ring for himself. Even against all the his desire to keep it he still continues his mission and gets pass “The Eye” and reaches the volcano to destroy the Ring. A stoorish hobbit named Gollum attacks and bites off Frodo's finger but loses his balance and falls off the cliff with  the ring destroying the Ring and dying.
Low Fantasies are set in the real world with magical components. Low Fantasy can be described as an opposition to High Fantasy with non rational events occurring in a rational setting. []  It does not consist of magical creatures or land. Low Fantasy stories mainly focus on the individual’s daily life.Harry Potter is an example of a very popular Low Fantasy novel. The series showcases the adventures of a young wizard. Harry’s quest is to overcome the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort wants to become immortal and conquer the wizard world. His plan is to destroy all of the people in his way. American Gods is another novel that displays Low Fantasy. The point of this story was that gods and mythical creatures existed simply because people believed in them. Immigrants brought spirits and gods with them to the United States.The conflict is the war between the new gods and the old ones.
Dark Fantasies are stories that use elements of horror. The focus of a Dark Fantasy is not to scare the reader, it is to expose the reader to different creatures. This makes it very different from actual horror. The Hunger Games is a great example, taking place in a nation called Panem. Panem was the result of destruction of their continent’s civilization due to a tragic event.This novel is written in the voice of a 16 year old named Katniss Everdeen. The hunger games is an event that is held between a boy and a girl between the ages of 12 and 18. This is a televised battle between the two. They battle until the death.
*Epic Fantasy
*Epic Fantasy
Epic fantasy , often mistaken for high fantasy, takes its name from the tradition of epic poetry. Like epic poetry, epic fantasy novels have many characters and long, complex plots which help shape the nature of the world.[] Epic fantasy tales have a high level of magic and violence. Although epic fantasy can be traced back to the epic of Beowulf and Gilgamesh, epic fantasy is still the most popular sub-genre of fantasy. Modern versions of epic fantasy tend to be more complicated and realistic. The difference between right and wrong is not as easily separated. The most popular epic fantasy novels of today are J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones.[]
Epic fantasy , often mistaken for high fantasy, takes its name from the tradition of epic poetry. Like epic poetry, epic fantasy novels have many characters and long, complex plots which help shape the nature of the world.[] Epic fantasy tales have a high level of magic and violence. Although epic fantasy can be traced back to the epic of Beowulf and Gilgamesh, epic fantasy is still the most popular sub-genre of fantasy. Modern versions of epic fantasy tend to be more complicated and realistic. The difference between right and wrong is not as easily separated. The most popular epic fantasy novels of today are J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones.[]
