What are the basic citations in books, articles, and scholarly journals in MLA format?

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Citing Articles

When citing an article it is important to get information like the dates correct, because there is not much information. In addition, citing a print article, the main point is to be able to look it up and know when it was published.

There are few rules and exceptions outside of the traditional format. If certain information like page numbers is not available because the article is found online, simply leave that part out and skip to the next part or you can put “n. page” in the space. Also, the title of the article and the title of the newspaper, magazine, etc. that the article is in are typed different. The article should be in quotations and the work it is in should be italicized.

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The example below shows the exact format that it should be in.


Author(s). "Article." Title Day Month Year: page numbers. Medium.

Example of a online magazine article article:

Klein, Joe. "5 Things to Watch for in the Midterm Elections." Time 30 Oct. 2014: n. pag. Web.

Citing Scholarly Journals When doing citations for scholarly journals, it is important to cite properly. Making sure your citation is written correctly is important because it could it be the difference between a passing or failing grade. It also protects you from being accused of plagiarism.

When writing a citation for a journal online it is necessary to have the author or editor's name, the title of the article from the journal,the series, volume and volume of the journal, the year it was published, the page numbers, the medium of the article, and the date accessed. For example:

Last name, First name. "Article title." Journal title series volume. Issue (year published): page(s). Web. Day month year accessed.

A real life example of an article from a journal online is:

Andersen, Kara Lynn. "Harry Potter and the Susceptible Child Audience." CLCWeb 7.2(2005):11.Web. 5 November 2014.

For a journal from a database like Galileo or Ebscohost, it is a little different. You also have to include the database that you found the journal on. For example:

Last name, First name. "Article title." Journal title series volume. Issue (year published): page(s). Database name. Web. Day Month Year accessed.

A real life example of an online journal from a database citation is:

Milton, Martin. "The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles." Existential Analysis 1 (2014):167. Literature Resource Center. Web. 5 November 2014.