How do I get started writing?

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Writing is a not a process that deals only with a pen and paper; it also involves the brain. Writing is not as easy as it looks, and the toughest part about it is, "how do I get started?" The following are some ways that will help writers get started with the writing process.


Find a focus

Try to come up with a focus for the essay; also known as main point. The sentence stating the main point is called a thesis. A thesis states a claim that will be supported in the body of a paper. For the thesis to take effect, it must be a generalization demanding further development or proof. (Hacker 13)

Find an audience

It is important for writers to think who they are writing for; therefore, think about who will be interested in the essay? Whom does the essay want to reach? Who will agree with the views in the essay? What sorts of information and evidence will the audience find most compelling? All these questions need to be considered while choosing an audience. (Lunsford 14)

Brainstorm ideas

With the focus and audience in mind, come up with related ideas. These ideas will help writers to construct their body of the essay. The body will support the thesis statement, and it will also tell the reader what to expect as they read on.

Plan on a paper

Write down all of the ideas on a piece of paper. Write down anything that pops up in the mind from the thesis to the conclusion. Free writing should be the most exciting part of the entire process because this is the only time where the writers do not have to be careful about writing.

Clean up

Make lists, diagrams, or outlines to organize the ideas. An outline may be the most helpful planning material. It will include an introduction with a thesis statement, some arguments with supporting details, and a conclusion. For example, the outline will be like the following: (How do I get started writing)

             1) Introduction
                 A) I love school. (Thesis Statement)
             2) Arguments
                 A) I see my friends in school everyday (Add examples)
                 B) It is fun to have Snack Time. (Add examples)
                 C) I enjoy sports a lot. (Add examples)
             3) Conclusion
                 A) I wish I can go to school during the summer too. 

Write the first Draft

A writer needs to have all the writing materials- lists, diagrams, and outlines- close at hand when an intial draft is being written. Such planning materials will encourage the writer to keep writing. Include in the draft an introduction with thesis, body paragraphs with supporting details, and a conclusion. For most kinds of writing, an introduction announces a man idea, several body paragraphs develop it, and a conclusion drives it home. A writer can begin drafting, however, at any point. For example, if it is difficult to write an introduction first, save it for later and draft the body first. When finished with the first draft, proofread and edit much as possible. Once the first draft is complete and proofread, continue the writing process with the second draft and then the final. (Hacker 13)


Works Cited

  • Hacker, Diana. A Writer's Reference. 5th Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003.
  • Lunsford, Andrea A. Easy Writer. 3rd Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006.

Still editing!!!

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