Breakfast at Tiffany's Section 13

Revision as of 16:48, 19 March 2006 by Rscot899 (talk | contribs)


The narrator notices the decreasing mention of Holly in the news and longs for her to be with him once again. He reads in the headlines of a newspaper about Sally Tomato's death and how Holly is believed to be in Rio. Holly's "abandoned possessions" are sold, and a man name Quaintance Smith moves into her old apartment. Little is heard of from Holly, until the narrator receives a postcard in the spring. It appears she has met someone new and is looking for somewhere to live. He wishes he had an address in which to write Holly to tell her that he found her cat.


Rio - Rio de Janeiro, a state and a city in Southeastern Brazil.

Sing Sing - A prison in New York.

  • brownstone-perfers to old brick apartment where Holly once lived.


Study Questions

1. What is the name of the new tenant in Holly's old apartment?

2. What happened to her belongings?

3. What are the two main things he wishes to tell Holly?

4. Who found Holly's cat?

5. How did Sally Tomato die?

6. What day did Sally Tomato die?

7. How much did the boy try to sell his cat for?

8. What does the narrator promise Holly?

9. Where did Sally Tomato die?

10. Where did Holly write from?

11. What does the narrator hope Holly gets?

External Resources

Works Cited