How do I write on a blog?

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"Blog" is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter)that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the website. In order to write an interesting blog, some things to keep in mind would be; Create meaningful titles, have opinions, keep it short, encourage participation, mix it up,include your own experiences, and make proper editing and grammer corrections.

There are different types of blogs. Some of them are personal, business, travel, political and topical.

How to write an interesting blog

Create meaningful titiles

  • Titles should be short, to the point and grab the readers attention.
  • Create titles that go with the topic.
  • Personal topics are good, depending on your audience.

Have opinions

  • tell people what you think, be free.
  • Do not write anything on your blog that you would not feel comfortable saying out in a public place.
  • Remember that your blog is public information. Be careful not to put incriminating ideas or any other lucid things that you do not want everyone to know.

Keep it short

  • Be sure to strive for clarity, simplicity, and conciseness.
  • Do not stay on one subject for to long. It makes the reader bored and they are more likely to loose interest in your blog.

Encourage participation

  • Add your own comments or ideas into your blog and ask for feedback.
  • inform your readers as to where your ideas came from and cite your sources.
  • Link entertaining and informative websites that relate to your post.

Mix it up

  • Be careful in your word choice. Avoid using repetitive words and redundancy.
  • Do not use to many big words to try and make it sound better. Sometimes short is better.

Include your own experiences

  • Your audience is readers who have something in common with you. Include some personal examples when neccessary.
  • Be sure that your blog has some special interest.
  • Give readers what they want and you will create a loyal readership.

Editing and grammer

  • Make sure your readers understand what you are saying.
  • Be sure to spell and grammer check all your work.
  • Remember that bloggers and editiors reserve the right to approve and edit all posts and comments.

Different types of blogs

What else can you add in a blog?


Works cited