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It was during the 18th Century that contemporary fantasy first appeared in fictional traveler’s tales. In the late 19th Century, it gained popularity as its own distinct genre.<ref name="History 2005">"History of Fantasy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Aug. 2005. Web. 2 July 2015.<>.</ref> For example, it was in 1977 when Brooks’ ''The Sword of Shannara'' made the bestseller list;<ref name="Fantasy 100 2015"/> a story of evil warlocks, other worlds, and a powerful sword.<ref>Brooks, Terry. The Sword of Shannara. New York: Ballantine, 1977. Print.</ref> The popularity of J.R.R. Tolkien’s ''The Hobbit'' and ''Lord of the Rings'' were also part of the movement into mainstream culture.<ref name="History 2005"/>
It was during the 18th Century that contemporary fantasy first appeared in fictional traveler’s tales. In the late 19th Century, it gained popularity as its own distinct genre.<ref name="History 2005">"History of Fantasy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Aug. 2005. Web. 2 July 2015.<>.</ref> For example, it was in 1977 when Brooks’ ''The Sword of Shannara'' made the bestseller list;<ref name="Fantasy 100 2015"/> a story of evil warlocks, other worlds, and a powerful sword.<ref>Brooks, Terry. The Sword of Shannara. New York: Ballantine, 1977. Print.</ref> The popularity of J.R.R. Tolkien’s ''The Hobbit'' and ''Lord of the Rings'' were also part of the movement into mainstream culture.<ref name="History 2005"/>
=Characteristics of Fantasy=
One of the defining traits of the genre of fantasy is magic. It’s the most basic element of fantasy. Magic is something humans can’t perform, which makes the task intriguing to readers. Magic is that in which charms, spells or rituals are used in order to produce a supernatural event.<ref>McGowen, Karlene. "Fantasy Books: There's a Whole Other World Out There". Web. 7 July 2015. < >.</ref> For example Harry Potter finds out at the age of eleven he has magical abilities.
Other worlds are an imaginative creation by the author of a place that is nothing like earth. It is a completely imagined world where anything can happen and is only limited by the author's imagination. The characters can also have the ability to jump between two worlds.<ref>McGowen, Karlene. "Fantasy Books: There's a Whole Other World Out There". Web. 7 July 2015. < >.</ref> For example, in C.S Lewis The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe the characters are able to [[Narnia]] from England through a magical wardrobe.
Universal themes are also needed. The most basic of these is good versus evil. There's always a good guy trying to fight for what is right against the powerful force of a bad guy.<ref>McGowen, Karlene. "Fantasy Books: There's a Whole Other World Out There". Web. 7 July 2015. < >.</ref>  For example, in the Harry Potter series the good and evil could be Harry and [[Voldemort]]. Other themes include Love and Friendship, Death, Isolation, etc.
Special character types are abundant in fantasies. Some examples are fairies, giants, ogres, dragons, witches, unicorns and centaurs. A good author can shape the character in such a way that the reader has no problem believing that such a being could exist.<ref>McGowen, Karlene. "Fantasy Books: There's a Whole Other World Out There". Web. 7 July 2015. < >.</ref>
The use of talking animals or [anthropomorphism] in fantasy stories can be used for several purposes. Sometimes the animals can talk to humans, as in [[James in the Giant Peach]] or The Chronicles of Narnia. Then sometimes the animals only talk amongst each other and are incapable of talking with humans, as in [[Charlotte's Web]], [[Redwall]] or [[Rabbit Hill]]. The need and use for communication is prevalent in both types.<ref>McGowen, Karlene. "Fantasy Books: There's a Whole Other World Out There". Web. 7 July 2015. < >.</ref>
Fantastic objects help the characters perform their task. Many times these objects become almost a character in themselves. Many times characters need such an object to make themselves complete.<ref>McGowen, Karlene. "Fantasy Books: There's a Whole Other World Out There". Web. 7 July 2015. < >.</ref> In Harry Potter, J. K Rowling writes, “…the wand chooses the wizard.” The wand has emotions and can feel, making it a character. Also in the series, [[The Sorting Hat]] chooses the house to which each wizard or witch belongs.
Because mythology also consists of monsters and creatures and magic. The two lie very close together when it comes to contents and themes. Tolkien borrowed a lot from mythology when he built Middle-Earth, using Nordic, Germanic, and archaic English myths and legends.<ref>Penn, Joanna. " Writing Fantasy: A Short Guide To The Genre". 2013. Web. 7 July 2015. < >.</ref>

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Portal fantasy begins with a magical doorway connecting two worlds separated by space and time. The hero passes through a portal, willingly, or is summoned to the other world. Plots usually consist of the protagonist trying to return home.<ref>"Fantasy Subgenres Guide." ''The Complete Guide to the Fantasy Subgenres''. 2005. Web. 7 July 2015.</ref> However, this is not always the case. In ''Harry Potter'', the main characters prefer to be in the magical world versus the Muggle world.  
Portal fantasy begins with a magical doorway connecting two worlds separated by space and time. The hero passes through a portal, willingly, or is summoned to the other world. Plots usually consist of the protagonist trying to return home.<ref> "Portal Fantasy." Best Fantasy Books. Web. 7 July 2015</ref>However, this is not always the case. In ''Harry Potter'', the main characters prefer to be in the magical world versus the Muggle world.  

In portal fantasy, travel to different places and to different times is possible. In ''Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children'' by Ranson Riggs, one of the main characters travels back in time to 1940.  
In portal fantasy, travel to different places and to different times is possible. In ''Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children'' by Ranson Riggs, one of the main characters travels back in time to 1940.