Research Methods

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After a topic is chosen for a blog, conducting research is the next step in the writing process. Research is defined as the diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, and applications.[1] Web searches on Google and Wikipedia allow blog writers to obtain more information on their selected topic, discover what other bloggers have already written,gain more insight on their targeted audience, and increase originality.

Gain information[2]

Writing about a specific topic does not automatically make a person an expert in the field. Initially, conducting very broad web searches on your topic will generate a great deal of information. It is best to browse through these websites to get a general overview of the topic. When writing a blog it is important to consider the specific purpose of the writing.[3] After gaining a general overview of the topic, the next step is selecting a specific aspect or view point on the topic to write about.

What other's have already written

Gain insight on the targeted audience[4]

Increase originality

External links


  2. Carroll, p.16
  3. Carroll, p.16
  4. Carroll, p.101


  • Carroll, Brian. "Writing for Digital Media." Routledge; New York, 2010.*