
Revision as of 22:00, 1 December 2006 by Lkuhns (talk | contribs)

A type of brief poem that expresses the personal emotions and thoughts of a single speaker (Meyer). The poem usually has one speaker. The term is often used to describe any type of expression in words, images, movements. (Words of Art).The short poem is often used to describe thoughts and feelings of the poet.

Works Cited

Department of English. Dept. Home Page. Brooklyn College. 20 Sept. 2006 <>.

Meyer, Michael. The Bedford Compact Introduction to Literature, Sixth Edition. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002. 19 May 2003 <>.

Words of Art: The L_List. Faculity of Creative & Critical Studies, UBC Okanagan. 20 Sept. 2006. <>.