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The Greeks saw hubris as an "overweening presumption suggesting impious disregard of the limits governing human action in an orderly universe" (Merriam-Webster). In other words, hubris, or hybris, is an excessive sense of pride in a human being. These humans often believe that they can accomplish more than the universe itself will allow. Roger Fowler defines hubris as " a man's denial of his own mortality" (198). Indeed it seems that the only way for a person to obtain such pride is to loose all sense of fear for his own wellbeing. After all, if a person has no fear at all, then they have a perfect pride in themselves, and in some ways, may even believe that they are perfect. "Hubris is the Greek word for 'insolence' or 'affront'" (Baldick 260). Baldick continues, "Thus, hubris is the pride that comes before the fall" (260). Even though an overpowering sense of pride is healthy for one's self esteem, others could consider such pride insolence, or a negative trait.

Hubris is probably best defined through tragedy (generally a play ending in death). "Aristotle attributes hamartia (tragic flaw or shortcoming) to the tragic hero" (Barnett-Berman-Burto 112). He asserts that this "great error or frailty" In the case of a tragedy, hubris is often the tragic flaw that causes the downfall of a hero. In the most famous examples, the Greek tragedies, a man that believed in himself too much would offend the gods. Therefore, they would torture him with unfortunate events that would eventually lead to his demise. As Holman states, hubris is what "leads the protagonist to break a moral law or ignore a divine warning with calamitous results" (226). For example, in Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macbeth takes matters into his own hands after the first of the witches' three prophecies comes true. With the strong urging of his wife, he decides to murder King Duncan in his quest to attain the crown. Little does he know, he is starting the chain of events, revealing his transition from good to evil, that ultimately lead to his downfall.

Works Cited

  • Barnett,Sylvan, Morton Berman, and William Burto. A Dictionairy of Literary, Dramatic, and Cinematic Terms. 2nd ed. Little, Brown and Company(Inc.) 1971.
  • Fowler,Roger ed.A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms. Rouletage & Kegan Paul Ltd. 1973.
  • Baldick, Chris. from The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 260 p. [1]
  • Hubris.Ed. Merriam-Webster.Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature 1995.[2].