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FIght Club

by Chuck Palahniuk

* Introduction
* Violence and Personality conflict  
* Family is the solution 

I hate wars, fights, and any other stupid human ways of dealing with problems. Humans are smart creatures capable of doing whatever they dream, imagine, and/or think. There will be daily problems, disappointments, and mistakes as result of a decision making process. But one should persevere to achieve proposed goals allowing reasonable time to achieve them. We should be thankful for who we are and what we have; there are many people that do not have even a quarter of what we have.

 Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club shows a man lost in his own personality. The protagonist does not know what to do with his life.  It also features how difficult, and even impossible for some people, are to find the way back to the right or normal life.  The movie and book present a clear prospective of what can happen as a consequence of our wrong decisions.  It is obvious that the duality of persons represents the good and the bad path.  We all have those two sides. We all are the result of our own choices.  On one hand, it is clear that the fights do not solve any problems, by the contrary; they may bring more complications to our lives. This statement is presented or stated by the narrator in the novel and in the movie in a very important moment and with enough emphasis so readers/viewers can receive the message.  The tragic “finale” confirms this statement. On the other hand, Tyler Durden expressed how well he felt when he began crying and sharing his problems with another person. He could sleep, eat, and actually dot much better in general.   He was learning how to love others.  However, he decided not to take that route but rather follow what his ”bad side” was requesting.   

The personality conflict experienced by the protagonist and its countless consequences were caused by being alone. Loneliness creates an irresistible routine that few people can actually and happily handle. Woman and man were created to complement each other. When a man only uses a woman (or vice verse) to satisfy his human needs he will be progressively more and more alone. This situation is portrayed in the film. They were not sharing lives; they were using each other to try to fill a gap in their lives. The solution is that a man needs to learn how to love a women (and vice verse) and only then will find the path to succeed professionally, socially, and personally. Love is so powerful that it is capable of healing human beings existential problems or conflicts like the ones that Tyler Durden have.

I personally do not see how fighting with someone will help me out to alleviate my stress and/or solve my problems. Days will go in and out regardless our feelings and thoughts. Problems are great opportunities that will help us to become successful in life. After all, we need to show ourselves, to our family, and to our “habitat” who we are and what we can do…

( Literature Terms )