What is a sentence?

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"A sentence is a unit of language charecterized in most languages by the presence of a finite verb" (wikipedia). Sentences are classified two ways: according to their structure (simple, compuond, complex, and compound-complex) and according to their purpose (declaritive, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory) (Hacker 463).


  • Simple sentence: A Simple sentence is one independent clause with no subordinate clauses.
  • Compound sentence: A compuond sentence is composed of two or more independent clauses with no subordinate clauses. The independent clauses are usually joined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but , or, not, for, so, yet) or with a semicolon.
  • Complex sentence: A complex sentence is composed of one independent clause with one or more subordinate clauses.
  • Compound-complex sentence: Still working

What IS A Sentence

The basic unit in writing is the sentence. Sentences should include a main verb,a subject,and a predicate which says something about the verb.

Many people think that a sentence simply begins with a capital letter and ends in a question mark or period. This is not a fact. There are at least four major patterns that function in a sentence; declaratives,interrogatives,imperatives and exclamations. Declaratives being sentences that make statements. Interrogatives are questions. Imperatives usually demand some form of action. Exclamations express strong emotion. Typically the subject in a sentence announces what the sentence is about. The predicate conveys an action of the subject. A imperative usually implies what the subject is. A imperative is an exception to the rule. Sentences are clasified according to function.

A sentence can be either positive or negative in function. A single independent clause constitutes a sentence. Noting the number and kinds of clauses ccan identify a sentence. Understanding types of clauses helps you identify sentences. A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause such as "I am not very good at writing essays." Two independent clauses with no dependent clause represents a compound sentence. "The girl ran very fast. Her classmates were gaining on her as she ran. Oh boy." May be an example of a compound sentence. Complex sentences have one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. " She ran very fast down the lane. Give it to her." Is an complex sentence. Two independent clauses and one dependent clause along with one dependent clause represent a compound-complex sentence such as: The rain fell heavily most of today. The weatherman predicted partly cloudy mostly sunny today. He was wrong. It takes practice to learn good writing habits.