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This is defined as the period of time beginning in the mid-20th century. This is also the time after WWII when American society saw some of biggest changes in how we think about ourselves and technology.

During the period of modernism, we were obsessed with change in relation to how we see the world and injustice. The world was engulfed in two world wars and the depression. The industrial age had just hit it stride and life was changing from a rural to urban. The focus was on the family, religion and the state.

As we moved into post-modernity, we changed our way of thinking and living. We moved out of the idustrial age where a tangible item was produce on an assembly line and sold to a consumer in the same town or country. We began to "produce" information. The moving of information and the means means to move information became the new definition of work. This is a result of the technological changes that took place bringing us into the "information age."

Post-modernism is also marked by the increase in consumerism. Our idenity is defined by who and what we are wearing, where we live and what we are driving. Value is placed on possession not knowledge.