How does a blog differ from a traditional essay?

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A traditional essay consists of a topic and a body ending with a conclusion and does not include web links. A blog consist of useful information that can be edited, added to, or discussed by others. When reading an essay one can not click to links to find out more information like they can do reading a blog. Most blogs are in electronic form and not on paper like essays. Blogs are a great way to put your opinions and point of view on the web for others to read and comment on.


A weblog, which is usually shortened to a blog, is a journal or diary that is available on the web, where anyone can write about any subject on an ongoing basis. The word blog can also be used as a verb, meaning adding an entry to a blog. The first blog has been ascribed to Dave Winer. He has been credited as the first regular, widely followed blogger. Blogs began to take off in 1999 with the launch of sites like Blogger, Weblogger and Love Journal, which made self publishing painless for the masses. Tens of thousands of blogs have blossomed since their creation. The mainstream media has only recently shown a glimmer of interest in the form (Rodzilla 171).


The features of a blog include:

  • Date header: The date the post is written. Posts are generally presented in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
  • Title: Each post is given a title. This is a pitchy phrase, a pun, or even a series of symbols.
  • Time stamp and/or permalink: The time the post is uploaded to the blog. The time stamp often is a link to a permanent page just for this post. This allows other bloggers to link to a post.
  • Post: A word, sentence, paragraph or essay, with links, names and current news. Key words and names are often highlighted in boldface, which makes the post 'scannable'.
  • Author nickname: The name or nickname of the person who wrote the post. For blogs written by one person, the author is often left off (because the author identification can be found in About page). For collaborative blogs, the author helps to differentiate contributors. The nickname can also be a link to a page of all the author's posts.
  • Category: Individual postings are often labeled as part of a category.
  • Comments: A software feature that allows readers to leave their own comments and reactions to the author's post.
  • TrackBack: A way for one blog post to link to the post of another blog. In other words, one blogger can write about the content of another person web blog, and the two posts are linked in a web (Zuiker).


An essay is a short piece of writing that discusses, describes, or analyzes one topic. It can discuss a subject directly or indirectly, seriously or humorously. It can describe personal opinions, or just report information. An essay can be written from any perspective, but essays are most commonly written in the first person (I), or third person (subjects that can be substituted with the he, her, it, or them pronouns). A traditional essay is used for formal documents or most of the time in school (English Works).

Fifteen hundred and eighty is the accepted birth year of the essay (Tanner 11). Essays of today have a greater range, variety of subject, greater length and a greater literary finish compared to essays of the previous centuries. There is also evidence of greater individuality in thoughts and directness in style. The main influence that brought about these changes was the growth of individualism in all realms of thought (Tanner 17). Essays have a particular purpose. They can expand a reader's knowledge of a topic, or just entertain.

Traditional Essay

An essay should have a structure that includes all of the components below.Traditional essays are mostly formal pieces of literature. Although the writer can add humor and their own creative writing style, one most not use slang or incorrect grammar. These types of essays are linear and do not have links. With a traditional essay the writer most pick a topic to research and discuss in full. A traditional essay is based on facts, while blogs are usually opinion driven. Essays are factually based because one has to research a topic thoroughly. This gives the writer all the necessary information he or she needs to write an efficient essay. In additional to that, traditional essays present all sides of the topic, even if the essay is persuasive. One of the largest differences between blogs and traditional essays is traditional essays require the writer to use a step-by-step structure. The essay starts off with an introduction, followed by body paragraphs, and finally come the conclusion. The writer should not stray from this basic structure.

  • Introduction- This part encompasses the first paragraph. It will introduce the subject and will move from general to specific. The introduction can be the most intimidating part of the writing process. It is important for the introduction to remark clearly and pave the way for what is about to come. The writer should state the point and grab the reader’s interest in this paragraph.
  • Body- This main part of the essay, include the descriptions or explanations of what is given in the introduction. The body should include at least 5 paragraphs, use a particular point of view, develop the subject logically, and keep the reader's interest with detail. It should conclude by looking beyond.
  • Conclusion- The writer offers closure and summarizes or ties the essay together in this final paragraph. This paragraph should be brief and point beyond the limited scope of the essay. The writer makes the final word and writes what they personally think about the topic Traditional Essays.


There are several types of blogs, for instance you could have an author who creates a personal blog which is merely for the purpose of sharing information, trading ideas and communicating with both friends and strangers. The personal blogger usually focus on topics that they are passionate about, such as cooking, photography, and education. The next type of blog is considered to be the bussiness blog this is used for businesses to sell or promote various products. business blogs are usually well designed and packed with helpful content. now organizational blogs are very similar to personal blogs expect for the fact that the content will represent a particular organizations views. Organizational blogs can be either internal or external. Internal meaning that the blog is to be used within a large company, and external meaning to communicate with clients and other interested parties. The final type of blog is the professional blog this type of blogging is not as popular as the others metioned but is slowly becoming a career for some writers. Many companies are moving toward hiring bloggers to maintain thier blogs and to promote service products or ideas.

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