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In addition to changing the ways in which people read, write, and gather information, the Digital Age has changed the job market. A number of online resume sites like VisualCV have arisen in the Digital Age, creating an opportunity for employees and employers to connect via the Internet.

Job Hunting in the Digital Age

Creating a professional image that blends with the personal is one of the major advantages that the online networking site LinkedInhas to offer. Through LinkedIn, prospective and current employees can connect with each other, as well as with other people in their respective industries. This creates an opportunity to build a network, which is a vital part of obtaining and maintaining a successful career.

Professional and Social Connectivity

According to Seth Fiegerman[1], "The social network for professionals has been growing at a rate of 10-15 million users per quarter.” As of November, the site boasts over 187 million members. While this may seem like an overwhelming amount of users, LinkedIn can be seen as a close-knit online community when compared with the amount of users on Facebook and Twitter (over a billion each).

What is Linked In?

According to the LinkedIn[2] page, creating an account gives the individual an opportunity to:

  • "Re-connect [with] past and present colleagues and classmates."
  • "Power your career" by discovering "inside connections when you're looking for a new job or business opportunity.”
  • "Get answers" by taking advantage of the "industry experts willing to share advice."

Reaching far beyond the capacity of just a website for resumes, LinkedIn serves as a platform where people can communicate on a social and professional level, advancing their interests and opportunities in the process.

8 Ways to Amp Up Your Career Using LinkedIn

In [3]Hannah Morgan’s article, she outlines the ways in which LinkedIn can help jumpstart a carreer.

  1. The Skills and Expertise section of LinkedIn is a “real-time research tool.” When your skills are entered into the search box, the results show other related skills. Morgan says, “Do you have these too? If you're lacking some of them, it would be wise for you to schedule an informational meeting with someone in that occupation to learn how important your missing skills might be.”
  2. The Groups and Answers feature of LinkedIn help employees answer business questions. Morgan says, “The other way you can get answers to your work problems is to submit your question as a discussion in a related industry group. Belonging to groups is a great way to stay up on trends and issues impacting what you do.”
  3. LinkedIn has a “Today’s news” setting, wherein employees can read articles about what is going on in their industry. Morgan says, “Armed with current industry news, you can share it among your peers and connections.”
  4. Another LinkedIn feature, “Influencers,” follows key people in various industries. Morgan says, “Consider commenting on their updates to show your own thought-leadership.”
  5. The LinkedIn Open Networkers (LIONs) section allows users to connect with people they may not know. Morgan says, “Your connections should represent your real-life network. Grow your connections purposefully by inviting people you know first. When you reach out to people you would like to know, personalize the invitations you send and provide a reason for them to want to connect with you.”
  6. LinkedIn allows employees to stay connected with former co-workers, which builds a user's personal network.
  7. The Endorsements feature on LinkedIn, “allows you to endorse people in your network for their skills and expertise.” Colleagues can help each other by giving and receiving good recommendations.
  8. Finally, Morgan reminds readers of the long-term value of LinkedIn: “LinkedIn is a multifaceted tool; one that provides you the opportunity to create a positive self-image, keeps you connected, and helps you stay up-to-date on current trends.”


  1. Mashable
  2. LinkedIn
  3. [1]8 Ways to Amp Up Your Career Using LinkedIn

Fiegerman, Seth. "LinkedIn Now Has 187 Million Members." mashable. Mashable, Inc., 1 Nov 2012. Web. 3 Nov 2012.

Morgan, Hannah. "8 Ways to Amp Up Your Career Using LinkedIn." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 14 Nov 2012. Web. 14 Nov 2012.

"What is LinkedIn?" LinkedIn. LinkedIn Corporation, Inc., nd, Web. 1 Nov 2012.