
Revision as of 14:30, 4 February 2006 by Ewertz (talk | contribs)


Candide A good natured fellow who is in love with Cunegonde. His love for Cunegonde gets him banned from The Baron of Thunder-Ten-Tronckh's castle. He is often stubborn, but often cunning. This is shown when he starts murdering people. His choices lead him down a path of destruction and dispair where ever he goes.

Cunegonde The young beautiful daughter of the baron. She is raped and tortured by the Bulgars, while witnessing her families execution. She is traded may times as a slave. The old woman finally reunites her with Candide . While on there journey to South America and out of money she is married to the governor of Buenos Aries.

Pangloss A philosopher in the Thunder-Ten-Tronckh's castle. He is Candide and Cunegondes professor. After the castle tragedy, Candide meets up with him begging on the street. He is weak and sick. He is taken in by the Anabaptist. In return for medical the Anabaptist makes him his bookkeeper. Pangloss is finally hung for his beliefs.

The old woman She was born the daughter of Pope Urban the Tenth. She was Princess of Palestrina until here ship was taken over by pirates. She has suffered much of the same fate as Cunegonde. She has remained a servant ever since her capture.

Cacambo He was brought from Cadiz to be Candide's valet. He is honest and speakes many different languages. He even saves Candide from Biglugs.