
An antagonist is a character or a group of characters which stand in opposition to the protagonist or the main character.[1]The term is derived from the [Greek] word meaning “struggler against.” The antagonist's primary goal in any piece of literature is to create conflict for the main characters. The antagonist opposes the protagonist in his endeavors and thus the conflict ensues. Conflict is essential to the furthering of the plot.[1]

An example of an antagonist in film includes Darth Vader from the Star Wars film series. Darth Vader is the opposing character to the protagonists Luke, Han, and Leia.

An unemotional word, opponent refers to someone else or to the other side (Randall 756).This words implies more active oppsition, especially in a struggle for control or power. Adversary usually suggest outright hostility in the conflict (Randall 756). The antagonist was the second most important character and the other contender in the agon, the distate or debate that formed part of a Greek tragedy (Siepman 793). The pricipal oppent or foil of the main character in a drama or narrative (Kuiper 56).

Examples in Literature

In William Shakespeare's Othello Iago stands as the most notorious villains of all time who spends all his time in plotting against Othello, the protagonist, and his wife Desdemona. Through his evil schemes, he convinces Othello that his wife has been cheating on him and even convinces him to kill his own wife despite her being faithful to him.

Bob Ewell is a malicious antagonist of Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mocking Bird”. Being convinced that Mayella may have been guilty of doing the crime; Ewell is bent on making sure that someone else gets the punishment.

Main and Secondary Antagonists

There are two types of antagonists.

See also

Literary Terms



  • Kuiper, Kathleen.Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature,1987
  • Randall, Bernice.When is a Pig a Hog.Patice Hall, 1991
  • Siepman, Katherine.Benet's III Edition Reader's Encyclopedia,1987