Millennium Approaches 1.3

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Revision as of 18:51, 10 April 2006 by Shill (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)


Harper is alone at home, yet she is talking to a guest, Mr. Lies. Mr. Lies is described as a travel agent and Harper's imaginary friend. Harper is telling Mr. Lies she wants to travel, she knows things are not right with her. She questions Joe's love for her and whether there is real trouble coming or if it is just her mind playing tricks on her. When Joe returns home he asks Harper how she would like to move to Washington?


  • ozone layer (22)- naturally occuring gases that make up the atmosphere.
  • aureole(22) - : a radiant light around the head or body of a representation of a sacred personage
  • Antarctica (23)- an ice covered continent that lies in the Artic Ocean.


Study Questions

  1. What year is it now?
  2. How many years is it until the third millennium?
  3. What is Mr. Lies job title?
  4. Who enters the elevator as Mr. Lies vanishes?

External Resources

Works Cited