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What is a Sentence? A sentence is the major foundation of all essay's. Writer can't express their ideas without the usage of sentences. There are four esstenial purposes of sentences declarative, interrogative, exclamatory,and imperative.(Hacker pg.463) Simple, compound, complex,and compound-complex are all examples of different forms of sentences.(Hacker pg.463)


Declarative sentence: It never gives a command or state a question; it only tells the audience your ideas.

Interrogative Sentence: It askes your audience a question relating to your topic.

Exclamatory Sentence: It show passion or feeling.

Imperative Sentence: It gives a command or request.

Types of Sentences:

Simple Sentence: It only contains one independent clause.

Compound Sentence: It contains two or more independent clauses.

Complex Sentence: It contains one independent clause and one or more independent clauses.

Compound-Complex Sentence: