What is a sentence?

"A sentence is a unit of language charecterized in most languages by the presence of a finite verb" (wikipedia). Sentences are classified two ways: according to their structure (simple, compuond, complex, and compound-complex) and according to their purpose (declaritive, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory) (Hacker 463).


  • Simple sentence: A Simple sentence is one independent clause with no subordinate clauses ( Hacker 464).
  • Compound sentence: A compuond sentence is composed of two or more independent clauses with no subordinate clauses. The independent clauses are usually joined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but , or, not, for, so, yet) or with a semicolon (Hacker 464).
  • Complex sentence: A complex sentence is composed of one independent clause with one or more subordinate clauses (Hacker 464).
  • Compound-complex sentence:A compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause (Hacker 464).


  • Declaritive sentences make statements (Hacker 465).
  • Imperative sentences issue requests or commands (hacker 465).
  • Interrogative sentences ask questions (Hacker 465).
  • Exclamatory sentences make exclamations (Hacker 465).

How to make a sentence

  • A sentence should have a subject and a verb.
  • The first word should always be a capital letter.
  • Sentences must end with a period, question mark, or an exclamation point.
  • Sentences must be a complete thought.


Subject and verb

The subject is what or whom the sentence is about. The verb tells what the subject of the sentence does. It tells the action.

To determine the subject of a sentence, first isolate the verb and then make a question by placing who? or what? before it. The answer is the subject(Peck).

Capital letter

A capital letter is placed at the begining of a sentence to show authority and to mark the begining.

We are starting class at one.


  • Periods are used to mark the end of a sentence expressing a statment (Darling).
It is a nice day today.
  • Question marks are used at the end of a direct question or to show that something is uncertain (Darling).
What time does the store close?
  • Exclamation points are used after an exclamation of surprise, shock or dismay, which is generally a short sentence or phrase expressing very strong feeling (Darling).
The pool part was great!

Complete thought

A group of words must be capable of standing on its own to be considered a sentence.

She is going
She is going to work at four.

Works Cited

  • Darling, Roger. "How to use punctuation." 22 Mar 2006. Online. 12 Jul 2006.


  • Peck, Frances. "Subject and Predicate." 1994. Online. 12 Jul 2006.


  • Hacker, Diana. A Writer's Reference. 5th Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003.
  • Wikipedia. "Sentence Linguistics." 27 Jun 2006. Online. 12 Jul 2006.


What is a sentence

The basic unit in writing is the sentence. Sentences should include a main verb,a subject,and a predicate which says something about the verb.

Many people think that a sentence simply begins with a capital letter and ends in a question mark or period. This is not a fact. There are at least four major patterns that function in a sentence; declaratives,interrogatives,imperatives and exclamations. Declaratives being sentences that make statements. Interrogatives are questions. Imperatives usually demand some form of action. Exclamations express strong emotion. Typically the subject in a sentence announces what the sentence is about. The predicate conveys an action of the subject. A imperative usually implies what the subject is. A imperative is an exception to the rule. Sentences are clasified according to function.

A sentence can be either positive or negative in function. A single independent clause constitutes a sentence. Noting the number and kinds of clauses can identify a sentence. Understanding types of clauses helps you identify sentences. A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause such as "I am not very good at writing essays." Two independent clauses with no dependent clause represents a compound sentence. "The girl ran very fast. Her classmates were gaining on her as she ran. Oh boy." May be an example of a compound sentence. Complex sentences have one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. " She ran very fast down the lane. Give it to her." Is an complex sentence. Two independent clauses and one dependent clause along with one dependent clause represent a compound-complex sentence such as: The rain fell heavily most of today. The weatherman predicted partly cloudy mostly sunny today. He was wrong. It takes practice to learn good writing habits.