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A novel is a fictional story of considerable length written in the vernacular of the author. A novel has a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters. The term novel is derived from the world novella. There are many types of novels. There is the picaresque novel, the historical novel, and the naturalistic novel. In a picaresque novel the protagonist has a series of episodic adventures in which he or she sees the much of the world and then comments satirically upon it. A historical novel is a novel that embraces not only romance but also works that strive to convey the essence of life in a certain time and place. A naturalistic novel studies the effect of heredity and the environment on human beings.


The modern novel did not appear until after The Enlightenment and The Age of Reason. During these two periods during the 17th and 18th centuries people were beginning to open up to the ideas of God, reason, nature, and man. This led to the revolutionary development in art philosophy, and politics. With the flow of new ideas came the flow of literary work. The English novel was forced to appear in the 18th century due to the fact that more people could read and had money to spend on literature (Taormina 1). Some 18th century novelists were Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, and Jane Austin. Daniel Defoe was sometimes called the founder of the modern English novel (Taormina 1) He wrote Robinson Crusoe(1719) and Moll Flanders(1722). Samuel Richardson wrote many novels. Most of them dealt with moral issues and women. Jane Austen wrote many novels that are still very popular today. “Although she is not an 18th century novelist, Austen has more in common with the novelists of the 18th century than she does with the novelists of the early 19th century. She was the greatest English novelist of manners” (Taormina 2). She wrote Pride and Prejudice(c. 1812) and Emma(1816).

A Quick Question of the History of Women and Novels When most people think of a novel written by a woman, they think of a long drawn out romance story. While there is nothing wrong a long drawn out romance story, it is stereotypical to put female writers into the romance box. The history of the novel wouldn't be complete without the question of gender. Nothing ever really is. Diane Long Hoeveler asks the question, "Can the history of the novel be rewritten so that women writers are given their proper status even though, for the most part, women produced works that have been largely denigrated or buried by historians of the novel?" (Hoeveler 1) The world may never know.

Literary Terms

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Works Cited

  • Taormina, Agatha."Origins of The Novel."2005.10 Feb. 2006


  • Long Hoeveler, Diane."Women and Novelistic Authority."Academic Search PremierWinter 2004,Vol.36,Issue 4