
A satire by Voltaire.

Historical Context

According to, this is the historical background on Candide. The eighteenth century was a time of new ideas and perspectives. The European intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment changed the way man viewed his world. Reason, not spirituality or intuition, was the road to understanding the world in which he lived. Isaac Newton introduced the notion that the universe was governed by set and discoverable laws. This concept undermined the faith in a personal God. Tolerance of varying religious beliefs was advocated by philosophers such as Voltaire. Churches should not interfere with scientific research. In politics the authoritarian state as exemplified by such absolute monarchs as Louis IV of France came into disrepute. By the end of the 1700's the idea of self-government had resulted in reform in England and revolution in France and America. Europe moved from an agrarian economy to an industrial one. At the close of this century the world had changed dramatically as the advances in science, political democracy, and religious freedom swept away the last vestiges of the Middle Ages. Now the belief that human history was a record of general progress and that the condition of mankind would only get better with each succeeding generation fostered a halo of optimism.


According to, these are some of the themes to consider. Comic invention; loyalty; utopia; satire; war as play; treatment of garden; evil; religion; optimism.



A good natured fellow who is in love with Cunégonde. His love for Cunégonde gets him banned from The Baron of Thunder-Ten-Tronckh's castle, for stealing a mere kiss from his beloved crush. It is also important to remember that Candide is the Baron's illegitimate nephew. He seems to have a "black cloud" covering him wherever he goes. This is shown when he starts murdering his beloved's capturers, in order to save her. His choices are easily influenced and they lead him down a path of destruction and dispair wherever he goes.


The young beautiful daughter of the baron. She is raped and tortured by the Bulgars, while witnessing her family's execution. She is traded may times as a slave. She is given an old slave woman, whom finally reunites her with Candide. While on their journey to South America and out of money, she becomes engaged to the governor of Buenos Aries. It seems that no matter how hard they try, she and Candide cannot seem to get together.


An optomistic philosopher in the Thunder-Ten-Tronckh's castle. He is Candide and Cunegonde's professor. After the castle tragedy, Candide meets up with him begging on the street. He is weak and sick from sypilis. He is taken in by the Anabaptist, Jacques. In return for medical treatment the Anabaptist makes him the bookkeeper for his business. Pangloss is finally hung for his beliefs.

The old woman

She was born the daughter of Pope Urban the Tenth. She was the Princess of Palestrina until her ship was taken over by pirates. The old woman's life parallels that of Cunégonde in the way that they were both born into a life of priviledge and evently end up as slaves. Both being tortured and raped many times over and left for dead. These two women form a common bond, and the old woman finally reunites Candide and Cunégonde. She remains a servant until she is befriended by Candide and Cunégonde.


She is the maidservant to the Baroness. She "caused these torments of hell" from which Pangloss is suffering (383).


He was brought from Cadiz to be Candide's valet. He is honest and speakes many different languages. He even saves Candide from Biglugs, and becomes a valued friend and confidant.

Don Fernando d'Ibaraa y Figueora y Mascarenes y Lampourdos y Souza

The arrogant governor of Buenos Aries. He finds Cunegonde attractive. Despite Cunegonde and Candide being engaged the governor takes her in as his mistress and plans to marry her.


A scholar whom Candide meets while traveling. He is very intelligent, but has a pessimistic view of the world.

Critical Perspectives


Works Cited