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Writers for digital media should narrowcast when networking with a specific [[audience]]<ref></ref>, educating a specific [[audience]],or when attempting to earn a profit<ref></ref>.
Writers for digital media should narrowcast when networking with a specific [[audience]]<ref></ref>, educating a specific [[audience]],or when attempting to earn a profit<ref></ref>.
====Networking with a specific [[audience]]====
====Networking with a specific [[audience]]====
Narrowcasting allows blog writers to gain readers with similar interests. Writing for a group of like-minded individuals will create an ongoing dialog. Narrowcasting allows blog writers to tailor the focus of the conversation centered around their blog which creates a network of interactive followers. Blog readers follow different blogs because they are a part of a unique [[audience]] that has been targeted because of similar interests.
====Educating a specific [[audience]]====
====Educating a specific [[audience]]====
Narrowcasting, as opposed to broadcasting, allows blog writers to target a very specific [[audience]] that they wish to educate about a topic.
====Earning a profit====
====Earning a profit====
If earning a profit is a goal of a blogger they should understand that contextual advertising works better when a blogger narrowcasts.<ref></ref> When blog readers view a blog author as an expert they are more likely to click on an advertisement because they are already apart of a targeted demographic.

==The Importance of Narrowcasting==
==The Importance of Narrowcasting==