Candide: Difference between revisions

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m (/* Analysis of The Old Woman fixed links and citations)
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An optomistic philosopher in the Thunder-Ten-Tronckh's castle. He is Candide and Cunegonde's professor. After the castle tragedy, Candide meets up with him begging on the street. He is weak and sick from sypilis. He is taken in by the Anabaptist, Jacques. In return for medical treatment the Anabaptist makes him the bookkeeper for his business. Pangloss is finally hung for his beliefs.
An optomistic philosopher in the Thunder-Ten-Tronckh's castle. He served as Candide and Cunegonde's childhood professor and later as Candide and Jacques'  philosopher. His views on life are that everything that happens, whether it be good or bad, was meant to be. He proves his intellect to Candide by reasoning that "the bay of Lisbon had been formed expressly for this Anabaptist to drown in" after Jacques' death (384). Pangloss is finally hanged for his beliefs during a auto-da-fe.

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She is the maidservant to the Baroness. She "caused these torments of hell" from which Pangloss is suffering (383).
She is the maidservant to the Baroness. She "caused these torments of hell" from which Pangloss is suffering (383).

