Medieval Media: Difference between revisions

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(21 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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* [[Paper and Parchment Making]]
* [[Paper and Parchment Making]]
* [[St. Cuthbert]]
* [[St. Cuthbert]]
* [[bestiary]]
* [[St. Augustine]]
* [[Otho/Corpus Gospels]]
* [[four major church fathers]]
* [[Boreas]]
* [[Phoebus]]
* [[Zephyrus]]
* [[catechumen]]
===Philosophical Concepts and Christian Heresies===
* '''[[Manicheism]]'''
* [[arianism]]
* [[Stoicism]]
* [[providence, fate, fortune]]
* [[nous, logos]]
* [[world soul]]
* [[human soul]]
* [[innatism]]
* [[Eliatic School]]
* [[Academy]]

* '''[[The Garden of Paradise]]'''
* '''[[The Garden of Paradise]]'''
* [[Insular iconography Style I]]
* [[Insular iconography Style I]]
* [[Insular iconography Style II]]
* [[Insular iconography Style II]]
Line 37: Line 56:
* [[Jesus, as the Good Shepherd]]
* [[Jesus, as the Good Shepherd]]
* [[Jesus Christ as a Lion]]
* [[Jesus Christ as a Lion]]
* [[Jesus, Figured by the Fish]]
* [[Iona and the Book of Kells]]
* [[Irish manuscript found in peat bog]]
* [[Wonders of the East]]
===Research Tools===
* [[Web Resources]]
* [[Bibliography from books]]
* [[Books on Reserve]]
* [[''Census of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada'', by Seymour de Ricci, with the assistance of W.J. Wilson]]

Latest revision as of 10:51, 4 November 2006