Media is a constant means of communication. There are many ways to communicating a message. "Old" media communicates visually and orally. The "new" media outlet will allow us more interactivity. Interactivity is a two-way communication between a device such as a computer or a compact video disc, and its user. Personal computers alreadys allow us to interact with "other users" in various ways. For example we have online chat sites, instant messaging, web cameras, and online voice chat. However, the personal computer itself does not interact with us. The basic concept behind "interactivity" is real-time. The real-time concept generally states that communication should instantaneous (without delay). Real-time was the driving concept behind the telephone. We may be able to touch the phone, the phone does not attempt to touch us. Therefore, it does not try to interact with us. It is only the means to communication. The future will include personal computers that interact with humans. The computers will share thoughts and feelings just as any other human would. Marshall McLuhan felt that computers would be a means of spiritual elevation. Maybe they (computers) will help us find the ways.